Brussels Sprouts


Basic Information

  • Brussels sprouts are a member of the Brassicaceae family of plants, which also includes cauliflower, kale, cabbage, rutabaga, broccoli, and turnip.

  • Brussels sprouts are well suited to grow in the climate of Nova Scotia.

  • They’re a great source of protein and dietary fibre!

Storage, Preservation, Preparation & Cooking

  • Brussels sprouts are best kept in the refrigerator crisper for about 5 days between 0-4°C. They are sensitive to ethylene, which can turn them yellow, so avoid storing with fruits or vegetables that produce ethylene (such as apples, tomatoes, pears and ripe bananas).

  • Wash the Brussels sprouts before cooking.

  • Brussels sprouts can be enjoyed roasted, boiled, or added to a favourite recipe. Slice them in half to reduce cooking time. 

Recipes Using Brussels Sprouts