Ava in the Kitchen!

Challenged to keep the kids busy? We heard from one mom some ways that she’s getting her daughter involved in the kitchen and staying positive in her new normal.

Have you tried any new recipes with your extra time at home? 

“Ava and I finally got around to making falafels, we ate them for dinner last night and they were delicious. I can honestly say, I would never have imagined that Ava would be eating the batter from the spoon and licking her fingers. I often have a tough time getting her to eat beans so I was pleasantly surprised when she started popping chickpeas in her mouth. The power of preparing food together!!!“

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How are you coping without the play dates and parties?

Last Sunday we spent our morning preparing for a birthday celebration for Ava's most loved stuffed bunny, Sophie. We made invitations, party hats, and selected presents to give. Instead of a cake we made these delicious vegan brownies which now live in our freezer as a delicious treat!“


What’s something that has sprung from the COVID-19 health crisis and social distancing for your family?

“More time in the kitchen with my 3-year old! Amidst the typical flow of busy work weeks, rushed week-day meals and chaotic bedtimes, it can be hard to slow down and spend quality time with family members in the kitchen. But my three year old, Ava, loves being there and cooking up all sorts of delicious things. While we all have more time at home together, we're finding new ways to explore her joy of food through preparing everything from home-made black bean burgers, roasted beet salad and zucchini muffins. And every once in awhile we succumb to her favorite treat... oatmeal & chocolate chip cookies.”


Stay tuned for more of Ava in the kitchen!

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