Jessica Roy: Registered Dietitian and Community Champion

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On March 25, Jessica announced she wanted to do her part as a health professional to help support others during this uncertain time. Throughout the month of April, she provided free nutrition counselling sessions through her private practice to help those in need of access to health services.  At the same time, she identified that many organizations need help right now and chose Nourish Nova Scotia as an important charity to support. She started a “Nourishing Minds” campaign, which she offered as a way, for those who could, to help nourish children and youth in Nova Scotia. She has helped over 40 clients who in turn helped raise over $800 towards her cause. Read more about Jessica Roy and her passion for helping others. We thank her for being a Nourish Champion!

Why did you choose Nourish Nova Scotia as your charity for your April campaign?

“As a dietitian, I know the role of good nutrition playing into the development of young minds. It is a meaningful connection for me to choose an organization that supports students to be healthy learners through healthy eating programs, school gardens, and fundraising initiatives for school breakfast. I want to support Nourish Nova Scotia for their great work.”

Years ago you volunteered at a school breakfast program, what did you enjoy most about this experience?

“It was incredible to talk to the kids before they went to school about food, what foods they enjoy, what new foods they want to try, and teaching them about where food comes from -- farm to table. Knowing that children are going to school with food in their stomach is important to me. Every child deserves to go to school with the same advantage and opportunity. In order to learn, we need to be well prepared with food to feed our minds!”

What is one thing you learned this past month?

“I learned that in the nutrition community, we are all very helpful and happy to help one another, especially during a global crisis. I have watched health professionals collaborate on social media, host webinars together, and share resources to aid communities across the nation. It is truly inspiring. I am very grateful to be part of a community that cares so much and to be able to give back to others this month.”

If you could wave a magic wand and have your dream come true, what would your wish be for school food programs?

“I would wish that no child goes to school hungry. We live in this amazing country and we are very fortunate, yet, it still happens. I wish that more people and agencies would put programs like Nourish NS in the forefront to protect and enable young minds. After all, we need to invest in our future generation.”

Thank you Jessica, we couldn’t agree more!