Staff Spotlight: Welcome Claire!

Claire Allély (she/her) recently joined our team as the new Community Food Facilitator. Claire has lived in Mi’kma’ki since 2021. We asked her a few questions to get to know her -

 What drew you to get involved with Nourish? 

I am passionate about the power of community in uplifting food work, whether regarding food security, food literacy, or food skills. Nourish works at the intersection of all of these and contributes to making a real impact for children and youth across the province. The opportunity to join this team is therefore super exciting.  

If you could wave a magic wand and have your dream come true, what would your wish be for the food landscape in Nova Scotia? 

Living with sustainable food systems where all people have access to affordable nourishing food and farmers are supported in developing and maintaining sustainable agricultural practices. I picture a food landscape where communities are centered and where people have a connection to the food that they eat and the land that they live on.   

What work at Nourish that you have been involved with, are you most proud of? 

I am still very new to the team, so I’d say that I am most excited for the partnerships that I will have the chance to support, create, and sustain.  

When you were 8 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? 

I always wanted to be retired! From a young age, I could already picture myself spending my days puttering about my garden growing food, baking in my kitchen, and taking the time to learn new crafts and skills. 

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